General circular January 2018

Current Water Use at Sandown Crescent

Consumption for the complex is being monitored. Consumption is down from September 2017, but to date has been above the required 87 litres per person. Please reduce consumption immediately.

From 1 February a limit of 50 l per person has been imposed by the City of Cape Town. Owners will be kept up to date on whether or not consumption at the complex is on track and how this affects billing and levies.

Please limit water consumption to 50 litres of water per person per day from 1 February or better still, start now, every drop counts.

Swimming Pools

Due to the city’s water crisis, the swimming pools may no longer be used.   Within the next few weeks, arrangements will be made to secure and close up the pools for the next 150 days, until further notice.

Jacuzzi’s : It has come to our attention that there is at least one unit in the complex with a Jacuzzi. Please liaise with Lauren Squier in this regard. Each owner is responsible to obtain consent for any installation in compliance with ST regulations. Under no circumstances may jacuzzi’s be filled using drinking water from the mains, or installed without written consent from the BC.

Building works at the bin room and driveway entrance

Exploratory work commenced towards the end of 2017 in preparation of installation of a booster pump system at the complex. It became apparent towards the end of last year that due to the council reducing the water pressure in order to save water, that multiple apartments were either without water for hours, or did not have sufficient pressure to activate the hot water units. This problem seems to have been better since January, and as we get closer to ‘Day Zero’, installing a booster station at this time, together with resevoirs, will not help for more than one day when the water is turned off, and cannot be used going forward as long as the water is turned off, as the tanks can’t be filled. It’s now time to investigate water harvesting from our roofs to help flush toilets, etc (manually with buckets).

The reason for the excavations at the front gate was to find the main water supply pipe into the complex, in order to work out the spec and quote required. Unfortunately it has taken multiple attempts to locate the pipe, as it is not running where it is indicated on the site plans. The hole will be filled and made good shortly.


The power supply transformer failed in December. The new part was ordered, and only arrived when the suppliers reopened in the middle of January. It operated correctly for a few days, before the speaker and microphone controller failed. As a result, it is still on and dials through, but it isn’t possible to speak to the visitor or open the gate. The entire control system at the gate needs to be upgraded, and quotes are being sourced.

Special note to the Sandown Crescent Community

As the City prepares for Day Zero, the Sandown Crescent building management team is on call to assist – queries, comments and views are welcome.

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