Sandown Crescent Residents Protocol – Level 2 Lockdown Changes – 25 August 2020

Dear Sandown Crescent resident,
Owners not in residence, please forward to your tenant if applicable.

Following the government’s move to alert level 2 for the National Lockdown on 18th August 2020, we received the following summary of relevant regulations from Trafalgar, which we’d like to share with you:-

Visitors: residents may now host up to 10 visitors at their units only from 04h00 to 22h00. Visitors must wear masks on the common property and observe the Covid-19 safety protocols on site. Please remain considerate to your neighbours and ensure your guests do not cause any disturbance, and that there is no excessive noise.

Common area facilities: amenities which may be available in a community scheme such as clubhouses, gyms, braai areas, playgrounds, coffee shops and restaurants will be authorized to open shortly after expected ministerial briefings over the next few days clarifies further details. There will be a limit of 50 people using the facilities at the same time. We will ensure our communal  braai / pool areas are once again accessible to residents. Please adhere to social distancing protocols when using these areas.

 Curfew: residents may only leave their units between 04h00 and 22h00 if they are in possession of an essential service permit or for a medical or security emergency.

 Exercising: exercising may continue as before outside of curfew (e.g. between 04h00 and 22h00) either on common property or outside the complex observing social distancing. Vigorous exercise has been stipulated as an exemption for wearing a mask. [Regulation 55 (1)] 

 Meetings: Physical meetings of owners and Trustees / Directors are authorised at any venue up to a maximum of 50 participants excluding those participating using virtual meeting channels (e.g. Zoom). [Regulation 55 (2)(d)]. Social distancing protocols apply.

 Renovations: a reminder that construction and maintenance activities are authorized in units and on the common property subject to the complex rules and health & safety protocols. This provision has applied during Alert Level 3 as well. A reminder to please complete the approval paperwork and submit to Trafalgar before undertaking any renovations or improvements. As a courtesy, please communicate with your neighbouring units (on each side and above and below) regarding dates / times and durations of any noisy work. Many residents are still working from home, and with warning, can ensure they are not on any important calls or online meetings when noise is expected. Sound travels surprisingly far in the buildings. We’d like to request that residents communicate directly with each-other in this regard.

 Sales and letting activities: agents are authorized to visit units and new owners and tenants are authorized to move including across provinces. This provision also applied during Alert Level 3.

 Should you have any queries, please refer to the official government gazette document available online: alternatively, you are welcome to email Kirk or Rhiana for further clarity.

We trust you are keeping safe and well.

Kind regards,

The Sandown Crescent Trustees

Sandown Crescent Newsletter – Updated Lockdown Rules – August 2020

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